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Why are calculations important?

Whether your project entails installation of fall protection or suspended building maintenance systems, formal equipment calculations is essential to having a documented system that complies with all applicable standards and regulations. Formal calculations stamped by a Professional Engineer are legal documents of the engineering that has been performed and verifies Summit Anchor equipment was designed and manufactured in strict accordance with applicable structural standards and regulations.

Equipment calculations not only provide legal documentation, but also provide backup documentation in ensuring that proper working loads of the installed systems are used. All new construction and building retrofit projects benefit from having formal calculations prepared to adequately document the installed systems for immediate use. These calculations will also follow the building through changes of ownership and will ensure that the systems are adequately documented for years to come.

If you manage, own, or need to organize your buildings fall protection or suspended building maintenance systems, make sure Summit Anchor is provided as-built structural and architectural drawings for backup documentation to these equipment calculations. Fill out the design service form today and a Summit Anchor representative will contact you regarding the fall protection and suspended maintenance system design.

Jameson Schwab, P.E.
Associate Engineer
D.H. Charles Engineering, Inc.

Summit Anchor Co.

Our goal is to provide safe and effective solutions to your fall protection and suspended building maintenance needs and formal equipment calculations ensure the safety of an installed system and provide documentation that can be relied on for the life of the equipment.

Safety from the top down.
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